$46K+ Influencer Fall Campaign Case Study

September 22, 2023
10 Min
Peter Nettesheim
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In this article we will outline how we helped one of our clients to generate $46K+ in October by organising an Influencer Fall campaign.

Before we delve into the process, let's frame this success story. The achieved results can be attributed solely to influencer marketing, as it was the client's exclusive customer acquisition channel.

Here's the context:

- UK-based client

- We orchestrated an international expansion into the U.S.

- The campaign was launched through a new Shopify store with a unique URL

- Apart from retargeting, we relied solely on influencer marketing

- Retargeting of influencer generated traffic using email marketing (Klaviyo) + Meta retargeting Ads using Influencer UGC.

About The Fall Campaign

The campaign ran from October 16th through the 31st, and subsequent revenue uptick became apparent almost immediately. Sharp spikes came toward the campaign's conclusion.

Make sure to read until the end to find out what is causing these spikes towards the end of the campaign. Firstly, let's break down how we masterminded this campaign. We invited 60 of our top performing influencers to take part. We leveraged historical performance data to forecast potential revenue and design bespoke packages. If you're interested in learning how to maximise ROI with high performing influencers read our detailed article on this here.

To secure optimal pricing, we bundled our Fall and upcoming BFCM campaigns, securing our influencers' commitment through the year-end.

Our outreach template is showcased below:

SUBJECT LINE: {{ firstname|default(influender_handle) }} - Partnership
Hi {{ firstname|default(influender_handle) }},


We would love to work with you for our fall and holiday campaign!

We have a special offer prepared which is the biggest sale of the year, which we are only sharing with our favorite creators and we would love to offer the following:
  • 20% Affiliate commission on all referrals (tracked through your dashboard)
  • $XY fixed bonus upon completion
  • $XY products
As a lot of people will be looking for gifts the demand is very high, which will significantly benefit your affiliate earnings. On top of this, upon completion of 5 story posts, we would additionaly add a a fixed bonus of $XY.

We are super excited to work with you again! Can we count you in? :)


Financial Aspect

Now for a glimpse into budgeting. With medium performing influencers we typically prefer to work with a combination of fixed payments and affiliate commission to hedge the downside. With high performing influencers we typically work with fixed payments to maximise ROI and commitment. On average, our campaigns return a healthy 7X+ ROAS.

The Impact of Seasonal Campaigns on ROI

Let's explore why seasonal campaigns significantly drive ROI. Put simply, consumers need reasons to buy. Regular campaigns that run year-round may perform less as they are not providing prospective customers with a compelling purpose to purchase. This doesn't mean that those marketing activities are not important. You would like to ideally balance awareness campaigns throughout the year building up your newsletter and potential customers which are interested in your products. This will compound over time and when the time comes you organise a seasonality campaign to get those prospects over the finish line and convert into paying customers.

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When crafting these seasonal campaigns, it’s essential to attach an irresistible offer and communicate this via your influencers.

Here’s an example:

Compare a generic post by Influencer XY promoting a 10% discount to a post where they passionately announce an exclusive 20% discount tied to a fall campaign (reason to purchase). It's clear which approach will driver higher conversions.

Indeed, this strategy significantly impacts store conversion rates. See below the store conversion rate from 1 - 15 October before the Fall Campaign started.

And below the store conversion rate from the 16th to the 31st when the Fall Campaigns was live. Between October 1st and 15th, the store conversion was a lacklustre 0.39%. During the seasonal campaign, it improved to a 1.02% average. The conversion rate for this client specifically can and should be improved but this would be a topic for another post. For this specific client typically, conversion rates spike to about 2.5% during BFCM.


Now for the grand reveal: why was there a sharp increase in revenue towards the end of the campaign?

The answer is simple: FOMO! As marketers, we discovered that effective engagement hinges on:

- Irresistible offers

- Urgency and FOMO

- Social Proof

We typically remind our influencers that the campaign is closing and ask them to alert their followers.

This typically results in posts like:

"Today’s the last day to catch the fall special. Use my code to avail 20% off before the offer ends at midnight!"

With 30-40 high-performing influencers broadcasting this on social media, the result is $46K+ on acquisition with a healthy 7X+ ROAS.

If you're as excited about this case study as we are, keep an eye on our LinkedIn page. We'll be sharing some of our BFCM campaigns in live and explain how we will be achieve $1M+ this Q4 leveraging influencers to drive 10X+ ROAS campaigns.

To learn more our work with us schedule a meeting with one of our Media Experts here.

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